

We cooperate with the world's most trusted manufacturers, who, thanks to their focus on technological innovations and product quality, are rightfully the leaders of the world market. But not always the customer's budget allows you to overpay for a brand and a well-known name. We will always find a compromise for your requirements.


K-Flex LLC is a manufacturer of high-quality thermal insulation made of K-Flex foam rubber for engineering systems.

The plant was opened in 2005, is located in the Moscow region and produces products to meet the needs of consumers in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The plant is part of a large international holding IK INSULATION GROUP, headquartered in Roncello, Italy.

The Russian production is equipped with modern high-tech equipment and is based on the latest developments in the field of technologies and recipes.

Based on in-line extrusion technology with a continuous cycle of the production process, the company has the capacity to meet not only the current needs of the Russian market, but also to constantly increase output in accordance with the growing demands of consumers.

For 10 years of presence in the Russian market, K-FLEX products have gained wide recognition among Russian consumers. The success of the company is evidenced by the well-deserved fame and popularity of thermal insulation materials of the K-FLEX brand.

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Thermon Eurasia

Thermon  Eurasia (Thermon Manufacturing Company) occupies a unique position as the only international company that has been fully dedicating its activities and production to heating systems for pipelines, tanks and instrumentation since 1954.
The company's credo.
Innovative and reliable solutions in the field of heating with minimal purchase cost and operating costs.
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